
Travel by rail to Chamonix

Trains: Can I take the train to Chamonix?

It is possible to take the train to Chamonix but it isn’t the most convenient choice and it definitely isn’t the fastest. Depending on where you are coming from, you will have to make at least a couple of connections and ticket prices can be rather pricey. However, if you are concerned about the carbon footprint of your holiday then it is the eco-friendly option to choose and it is far more relaxing than driving yourself. 

If you are coming from the UK, then you can get from London to Chamonix in around 10-12 hours. You will have to connect to the TGV service in Paris to either Annecy or Geneva, before swapping onto the local TER service to St Gervais Le Fayet, situated at the bottom of the Chamonix Valley. From here, the local Mont Blanc Express train will drop you to the SNCF station in the centre of Chamonix, with a number of stops en route. For timetables and ticket prices, check out The TrainlineRail EuropeOUI.SNCF and Mont Blanc Express.

From Switzerland, look for trains to Martigny in the Valais region, from where you can connect onto the Mont Blanc Express train to Vallorcine. In Vallorcine you will need to switch trains once more for destinations within the Chamonix Valley. Swiss trains timetables and ticket prices can be found here.

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